Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I am worried about my mind

5:00am sit.
Awareness of Feelings
Living Room Floor

Kind of a random thought during my morning sit, but I was thinking about how great it would be to carve out a little space somewhere in my apartment for my sitting practice. A little Buddha, maybe a photo, a candle - a proper little altar for my practice to have a “home” and then I wondered if this was a way for me to not really be fully INTO this moment of my sit. You know that dialogue “Oh, I’ll really have a good time sitting once I have an altar set up” and how inaccurate this thinking is. Man, my mind is completely insane. If I were to psychoanalyze my mind as if it were an embodied human being, it would get diagnosed as utterly schizophrenic. I’m a bit worried.


Poep Sa Frank Jude said...

Ah, but where is 'your' mind? Once you see that it cannot be found, the 'crazy' nature of it becomes much less scary and/or destructive. It's true! We don't have to believe all these things the mind puts out!

As for an altar, if your intention is to set an 'orientation' point for focused practice, then creating a physical space set aside for formal practice can be a very skillful thing. If it's mere window dressing, forget it....

Thay once said that if you do want to place a buddha statue on your altar, make sure it's one that is pleasant and smiling. Otherwise, just place a flower, or a photo of a smiling child....

have fun...

nicole said...

Minds are like that. It kind of makes me smile... We're a little bit batty, no matter how we attempt to present ourselves.

On a side note, I love the new look of your blog. Hot.
