Thursday, October 22, 2009

Time: 7:50am
Place: The Nook
Practice: awareness of anger

I read a piece of the section on anger (saving the rest for tonight) in T&H and thought about this during my sit and how there really wasn't much anger present right now and, yes, because of that a little bit of happiness was able to surface. Thay really knows what he is talking about, I guess.

Sometimes it seems like there is a lot of stuff to think about and observe, but rather than a check list, I think I just need to keep my eyes open (even while closed) and notice what I see. In some ways, these practices I just feel are building my vocabulary for what I may see arise and how to "minimize" it when I see it.


poep sa frank jude said...

This is exactly it, Celeste. The training is training us to widen our field of vision. Until something is 'pointed out' and named, it tends not to be seen. It is overlooked.

Each of these items are less thiings to check off as in a 'to do' list than, as you say, providing a vocabulary to more subtly see and investigate actual experience.

It's also like reading a map. These items are providing more detail. With this map, you can more clearly see the mountains, the rivers, the 'lay of the land' rather than just the main thoroughfares....


PhillyD said...

i really enjoyed this post. it brought into words what I wanted to say. you're better and explaining it celeste. love it.