Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Joys of Distance Learning

While I was doing some project reading this Saturday afternoon, I was reflecting on how challenging these distance learning course projects are. I had a couple of projects from people from the India 2009 training, who are just wrapping up their projects now, who were commenting on the realities of completing their projects amidst being parents, running businesses, teaching full time, going through challenging life situations, and sometimes going to school. I just felt a surge, while reading this projects, of gratitude for the hard work of the people in our community.

These projects are hard work. They are designed to be challenging. But seeing students hand in project after project, while gracefully balancing the other challenges of their life, never ceases to inspire me.

Thank you for your work, teacher trainees, your effort and dedication to this practice does not go un-noticed (by me, or by your students)!

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